[-empyre-] RE: art stops for the Second Life art tour
Absolutely no offence taken, Christy :) You are right when you say terminology
is troublesome. In the MUVE arena, it is particularly so, since pretty much
all vocabulary is retro-fitted. This often results in either an unnecessarily
limiting attitude that privileges one medium's history, or clumsily long
strings of descriptive words. Witness my description of Ramonia as
"interactive immersive audiovisual sculptures". Yuck!
Re coding, for me it's just like composing music, or any kind of design
process really. I suspect my initial idea creation process falls into two
categories: inspiration-led and formal. The inspiration-led option is rarer
and nearly always informed by formalist givens. But, it is similar to when a
riff or melody or graphic or phrase pops into one's head. The formalist option
is more common and usually occurs after disciplined thinking-through of
consequences of any given proposition - it either follows through to a dead
end, or bears fruit. I'm pretty sure that's not unusual, most designers (of
any stripe) more or less follow a similar process I think.
Once the idea is there, the coding process is first to map the relationships
and consequences, then to concretise those relationships into the syntax of
the relevant language (in SL, that being LSL, Linden Scripting Language). That
just as often doesn't involve any kind of typing or writing, but can do.
During both these stages, I feel like I am swimming underwater (but can
breathe, so maybe it's like flying but the air is viscous :), swimming around
from this to that, back over here to adjust that as a result of this, then
swimming up high to get an overview, spotting something out of place, swimming
back down, adjusting it, then over there to adjust something else as a result.
And so on. Enjoyable.
This is all in my mind, though. I'm very lazy when it comes to actually
building the stuff, since I've already entirely built it conceptually, it's a
drag to actually get in there and type the commands and place the objects and
test and debug, so I tend to put it off as long as I can. I can't wait for
direct, wireless brain to brain interfaces so we don't have to mess around
with the whole implementation thing :) I'm being facetious of course, and
referring to Diaspora by Greg Egan :)
Adam Nash (Adam Ramona)
>>> On Tue, Aug 21, 2007 at 3:34 PM, in message
<20070821053620.SFZA22867.oaamta06ps.mx.bigpond.com@HPPIE>, "Christy Dena"
<cdena@cross-mediaentertainment.com> wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> Sorry if I offended Adam. I, for some reason, thought you referred to your
> own works as 'sound art'. I won't do it again!
> Terms are fickle things and are often employed to highlight a certain aspect
> of a work that is usually missing from others, but doesn't necessarily
> denote the whole piece. It is true that there are hardly any works that rely
> on one medium anyway!
> I'd love to hear more about your experience of creating with code. How do
> you think about code? Do you imagine images, relations....can you
> communicate how you think about code?
> Best,
> Christy
> ‑‑‑‑‑Original Message‑‑‑‑‑
> From: Melinda Rackham [mailto:melinda@anat.org.au]
> Sent: Tuesday, 21 August 2007 15:01
> To: Adam Nash; Christy Dena; james@factorynoir.com; Patrick Lichty
> Cc: Kathy Kathy Cleland; David Cranswick; Fabio Zambetta;
> annabeth.robinson@googlemail.com; chris@iconinc.com.au; r.peach@ozco.gov.au;
> a.thomas@usyd.edu.au; sdoesinger@yahoo.de
> Subject: Re: art stops for the Second Life art tour
> Hi all,
> The whole COFA ( university) mail server where our list lives has been
> knocked out for two days and they have no idea when it will return to
> stability, hopefully soon.
> Sorry this happened in the middle of our discussion.. .. There is nothing
> I can do about it .
> Se we can carry on a conversation which we sent to each other and the lsit
> and it will appear when the server is renaimated!
> M
> On 21/8/07 8:21 AM, "Adam Nash" <adam.nash@rmit.edu.au> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I'm so sorry I couldn't make it to the pony tour last night, my net
>> connection went down about 9.30pm. I hope it all went well and everyone
>> had a good time.
>> I was very much hoping to be there to discuss the works, so I thought
>> I'd just jot down a couple of points now my connection is back up.
>> I've noticed that my work is being referred to as 'sound works' and I'm
>> keen to not have it ghettoised into 'sound art' or any single medium for
>> that matter. I consider my work, and the work of many others in SL, to
>> be post‑convergent, that is, it contains a range of media‑elements
>> (sound, vision, architecture, data‑response/creation, code, network,
>> socialisation etc) working in a symbiotic relationship with each other
>> and with the user to create a greater post‑convergent whole. It
>> approaches the medium (ie, realtime 3d multi‑user virtual environments,
>> of which SL is just one example) on its own terms. Clearly there are
>> precedents, practices and lessons from all the discrete media forms
>> involved, and these are synthesised into new relationships.
>> In such a medium, it is inevitable that formalism will play a role, and
>> the degree to which this is true is part of the decision making process
>> of the artist. Architecture, sound, data, networks, coding and
>> socialisation all have rich precedents to draw on in this area. Indeed
>> music itself can be seen as a formalist structure based entirely on
>> engineering restrictions. Similarly, architecture, data, networks, and
>> coding.
>> Sound is intrinsically important to my work, and indeed the formalist
>> conventions of music and sound art are very helpful in designing
>> post‑convergent works. Interestingly, though, since it is a digital
>> medium, it is possible to move away from the engineering restrictions of
>> the Western well‑tempered scales, and create rational scales of any form
>> (this is confusingly known as Just Intonation in music theory), which is
>> what I have done in all my works in SL. They all use scales of my own
>> devising based on a fundamental tone of 77Hz (subjectively, the most
>> pleasing‑yet‑disturbing tone in all the physical world :) proceeding
>> then in ratios of sevens. This is an example of the "engineer" designing
>> a system that allows the "artist" to move away from forms restricted by
>> "engineering" for hundreds of years. Note, though, that I find the
>> distinction between "engineer" and "artist" meaningless in
>> post‑convergent work.
>> Coding is also enormously important to my work, as it is the elastic
>> glue that orchestrates the relationships of all the media‑elements.
>> Indeed the majority of time spent on each work is usually time spent
>> coding. While it isn't "code art" the practice of coding is amazingly
>> artistically fulfilling and reminds me in many ways of the process of
>> composing music, only better. It's a shame that many people have the
>> idea that coding is the act of typing commands into a computer. Just as
>> writers and composers spend far more time thinking than actually typing
>> out the words or notes (it's the ideas and relationships that are
>> important), so it is with coding. You can do it anywhere and often you
>> don't even need a pencil and paper.
>> The next ten years are going to be so interesting in the development of
>> post‑convergent media and art. The last ten years have been a drag, but
>> it was worth the effort :)
>> Apologies for the length of the mail, I really wanted to discuss this
>> live on the Pony tour last night, but my medium let me down :) Will also
>> post this to the list when it re‑emerges.
>> Adam
>> ============================
>> Adam Nash
>> Lecturer, Computer Games & Digital Art
>> School of Creative Media
>> RMIT University
>> CRICOS provider code: 00122A
>> Building 14, Level 11, Room 2
>> adam.nash@rmit.edu.au
>>>>> "Christy Dena" <cdena@cross‑mediaentertainment.com> 20/08/07 8:32 PM
>> Hello Everyone,
>> Melinda says that the main empyre list isn't working at the moment ‑‑ no
>> emails are getting through. The tour is going ahead though. To recap the
>> times:
>> SLT/PDT: 5am
>> AEST: 10pm
>> NZ: 12pm
>> Canada: 8am
>> From other dLux tours it is clear that about 5 venues is the max, as
>> people
>> like to stay and chat at each location ‑‑ which is the point! Here are
>> the
>> locations I've quickly put together based on your recommedations (I hope
>> this is OK):
>> 1. Odyssey: walk around a discuss Gazira Babeli's works, perhaps fly
>> past
>> the Baudrillard sculpture and then to Ian Oh's squat. Discussion about
>> code
>> art etc.
>> 2. Adam Nash's sound works @ Ramonia
>> Discussion about sound art etc.
>> 3. Bitfactory/Columbia SL Exhibition
>> This is a mix between conventional and unconventional exhibit space and
>> has
>> some of Patrick's and Second Front's works in it.
>> 4. Gallery of Reflexive Architecture
>> I thought we needed an architecture venue and so added this one. I've
>> spoken
>> with Stephan and he thinks it is great. The look is a bit similar to
>> Adam's
>> works, but that may make for good conversation about design patterns in
>> SL.
>> 5. Brad Kilgerman's work @ Ars Virtua
>> This is where the tour will most likely end (it will be about 1 and bit
>> hours by then I'd say). But I've also added to the tour pre‑loaded
>> locations
>> the following: The Port, DanCoyote's works and Chris Dodd's. Whoever
>> wants
>> to continue on and go to these (in that order) can.
>> IM Lythe Witte or dLux Oh if you have any questions.
>> See you in 1.5 hours!
>> Best,
>> Christy
>> ‑‑‑‑‑Original Message‑‑‑‑‑
>> From: patrick lichty [mailto:voyd@voyd.com]
>> Sent: Thursday, 16 August 2007 21:23
>> To: 'Christy Dena'; 'Melinda Rackham'; 'James Morgan'
>> Cc: 'Ricardo Peach'; 'Chris Dodds'; 'Adam Nash'; 'Kathy Cleland';
>> annabeth.robinson@googlemail.com; a.thomas@usyd.edu.au;
>> sdoesinger@yahoo.de;
>> 'David Cranswick'; fabio.zambetta@rmit.edu.au
>> Subject: RE: art stops for the Second Life art tour
>> I'd love to go see Cao Fei.
>> I think it's significant work on a number of levels.
>> Patrick Lichty
>> ‑ Interactive Arts & Media
>> Columbia College, Chicago
>> ‑ Editor‑In‑Chief
>> Intelligent Agent Magazine
>> http://www.intelligentagent.com
>> 225 288 5813
>> FAX 312 344‑8021
>> voyd@voyd.com
>> "It is better to die on your feet
>> than to live on your knees."
>> ‑‑‑‑‑Original Message‑‑‑‑‑
>> From: Christy Dena [mailto:cdena@cross‑mediaentertainment.com]
>> Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2007 12:09 AM
>> To: 'Melinda Rackham'; 'James Morgan'
>> Cc: 'Ricardo Peach'; 'Chris Dodds'; 'Adam Nash'; 'Kathy Cleland';
>> annabeth.robinson@googlemail.com; a.thomas@usyd.edu.au; 'Patrick
>> Lichty'; sdoesinger@yahoo.de; 'David Cranswick';
>> fabio.zambetta@rmit.edu.au
>> Subject: RE: art stops for the Second Life art tour
>> Do you have a location or name for that work Melinda, I'm not familiar
>> with
>> it? We can tweak the locations, so keep sending in ideas.
>> Also, I noticed Fabio hasn't been CCed! Fabio, do you have some ideas
>> for an
>> architectural location in SL we can tour on Monday 25th @10pm?
>> Best,
>> Christy
>> ‑‑‑‑‑Original Message‑‑‑‑‑
>> From: Melinda Rackham [mailto:melinda@anat.org.au]
>> Sent: Thursday, 16 August 2007 11:59
>> To: James Morgan; Christy Dena
>> Cc: 'Ricardo Peach'; 'Chris Dodds'; 'Adam Nash'; Kathy Cleland;
>> annabeth.robinson@googlemail.com; a.thomas@usyd.edu.au; Patrick Lichty;
>> sdoesinger@yahoo.de; David Cranswick
>> Subject: Re: art stops for the Second Life art tour
>> Should we try for the chinese woman's SL work which was in the venice
>> biennale? Or was that not very interresting?
>> On 16/8/07 8:40 AM, "James Morgan" <james@factorynoir.com> wrote:
>>> sorry for my late reply, I am getting a little busy here with the
>>> semester starting up in a week.
>>> would this be 5am SLT? I only ask because I am on SLT, I don't mind
>>> being the odd man out and just biting the bullet on this one...
>>> it might be nice to bring Brad into this as well, but he is
>> travelling.
>>> james
>>> On Aug 15, 2007, at 6:18 AM, Christy Dena wrote:
>>>> Great!
>>>> We've got OKs from Ricardo, Chris, Melinda, Adam, Kathy, Annabeth
>>>> and David
>>>> Cranswick (the Director of dLux Media Arts) ‑‑ who will be driving
>> the
>>>> ponies for the tour.
>>>> I'll wait until I've heard from James, Stephen and Patrick before I
>>>> post to
>>>> the list.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Christy
>>>> ‑‑‑‑‑Original Message‑‑‑‑‑
>>>> From: Ricardo Peach [mailto:r.peach@ozco.gov.au]
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, 15 August 2007 15:19
>>>> To: Chris Dodds; Christy Dena; Melinda Rackham
>>>> Cc: Adam Nash; Kathy Cleland; james@factorynoir.com;
>>>> annabeth.robinson@googlemail.com; a.thomas@usyd.edu.au; Patrick
>>>> Lichty;
>>>> sdoesinger@yahoo.de; David Cranswick
>>>> Subject: RE: art stops for the Second Life art tour
>>>> Fine by me too.
>>>> ‑‑‑‑‑Original Message‑‑‑‑‑
>>>> From: Chris Dodds [mailto:chris@iconinc.com.au]
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, 15 August 2007 14:04 PM
>>>> To: 'Christy Dena'; 'Melinda Rackham'
>>>> Cc: 'Adam Nash'; 'Kathy Cleland'; james@factorynoir.com;
>>>> annabeth.robinson@googlemail.com; Ricardo Peach;
>> a.thomas@usyd.edu.au;
>>>> 'Patrick Lichty'; sdoesinger@yahoo.de; 'David Cranswick'
>>>> Subject: RE: art stops for the Second Life art tour
>>>> 10pm is good for me too (kids asleep!)
>>>> christo
>>>> ‑‑‑‑‑Original Message‑‑‑‑‑
>>>> From: Christy Dena [mailto:cdena@cross‑mediaentertainment.com]
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, 15 August 2007 1:16 PM
>>>> To: 'Melinda Rackham'; 'Chris Dodds'
>>>> Cc: 'Adam Nash'; 'Kathy Cleland'; james@factorynoir.com;
>>>> annabeth.robinson@googlemail.com; r.peach@ozco.gov.au;
>>>> a.thomas@usyd.edu.au;
>>>> 'Patrick Lichty'; sdoesinger@yahoo.de; 'David Cranswick'
>>>> Subject: RE: art stops for the Second Life art tour
>>>> 10pm is fine for me, better for those in the OS too. Bear in mind
>>>> the tour
>>>> will take about 1hour‑1.5 hours.
>>>> ‑‑‑‑‑Original Message‑‑‑‑‑
>>>> From: Melinda Rackham [mailto:melinda@anat.org.au]
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, 15 August 2007 13:17
>>>> To: Christy Dena; 'Chris Dodds'
>>>> Cc: 'Adam Nash'; Kathy Cleland; james@factorynoir.com;
>>>> annabeth.robinson@googlemail.com; r.peach@ozco.gov.au;
>>>> a.thomas@usyd.edu.au;
>>>> Patrick Lichty; sdoesinger@yahoo.de; David Cranswick
>>>> Subject: Re: art stops for the Second Life art tour
>>>> Im fine for Monday..coudl we do 10pm or is that too late??
>>>> On 15/8/07 12:20 PM, "Christy Dena" <cdena@cross‑
>>>> mediaentertainment.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hello All!
>>>>> I received the most responses from those in Aust, but there was
>>>>> also NZ
>>>> and
>>>>> Canada. So, here is a possible day and time: Monday 20th August:
>>>>> Aus>NSW: Mon 8/20/2007 9:00 PM
>>>>> NZ: Mon 8/20/2007 11:00 PM
>>>>> Canada>Ontario: Mon 8/20/2007 7:00 AM*
>>>>> Who can make it at that day and time and if not, what is another
>>>>> day/time?
>>>>> I'll do a test run of the tour this weekend, to check the best
>>>>> order and
>>>>> whether we'll have time to visit all the locations and what is the
>>>>> most
>>>>> suitable.
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Christy
>>>>> ‑‑‑‑‑Original Message‑‑‑‑‑
>>>>> From: Christy Dena [mailto:cdena@cross‑mediaentertainment.com]
>>>>> Sent: Monday, 13 August 2007 12:34
>>>>> To: 'Chris Dodds'
>>>>> Cc: 'Adam Nash'; 'kathy.cleland@arts.usyd.edu.au';
>>>>> 'melinda@anat.org.au';
>>>>> 'james@factorynoir.com'; 'annabeth.robinson@googlemail.com';
>>>>> 'r.peach@ozco.gov.au'; 'a.thomas@usyd.edu.au'; 'voyd@voyd.com';
>>>>> 'sdoesinger@yahoo.de'
>>>>> Subject: RE: art stops for the Second Life art tour
>>>>> I've posted in emails since we've got 2 discussion lists going:
>>>>> And there is The Port too. I remember I found artworks under the
>>>>> water at
>>>>> the bottom of the ocean at The Port ‑‑ that was one of my more
>>>>> memorable
>>>>> experiences of finding art. But I haven't been able to find it
>>>>> again ‑‑ if
>>>>> anyone knows please tell me!
>>>>> Yeah, I think the kitch spaces of SL are as interesting too...but
>>>>> they are
>>>>> perhaps the parts of SL many on the empyre list are familiar with.
>>>>> But it
>>>>> would be different going to them to critically discuss them...
>>>>> From: James Morgan [mailto:james@factorynoir.com]
>>>>> I was thinking Neufreistadt too, you know the self governance
>>>>> thing, and
>>>>> there is the N'stadt MoCA... not sure how new media the
>>>>> collection is but
>>>>> it sure was democratically put together.
>>>>> j
>>>>> On Aug 12, 2007, at 4:02 PM, Ricardo Peach wrote:
>>>>>> I think we should also go to a few 'alternative' spaces such as a
>>>>>> money tree venues, sex on premises venues and shopping malls or a
>>>>>> beach. Even a disco or dance venue such as Phat Cats Jazz Club.
>>>>>> These spaces are themselves interesting 'kitch'spaces, and no less
>>>>>> arty than say what Brad Kligerman does in Ars Virtual. The
>>>>>> complexity
>>>>>> of pose balls, flowing hair, flowing dresses, bling etc is of real
>>>>>> interset to me anyway. What do others think?
>>>>>> ‑‑‑‑‑Original Message‑‑‑‑‑
>>>>>> From: Patrick Lichty [mailto:voyd@voyd.com]
>>>>>> Sent: Monday, 13 August 2007 2:15 AM
>>>>>> To: Christy Dena; 'Melinda Rackham'
>>>>>> Cc: 'Kathy Cleland'; Ricardo Peach; 'Patrick Lichty'; 'Anna
>>>>>> Robinson';
>>>>>> 'Stephan Doesinger'; 'James Morgan'; 'Angela Thomas'
>>>>>> Subject: RE: Guests!!
>>>>>> Yes ‑ I think that this is one of the most active conversations in
>> a
>>>>>> while.
>>>>>> Submitted for the working group's approval.
>>>>>> Ian Ah's Squat, and where I now have as my home space.
>>>>>> Odyssey_observation platform and Squat, Odyssey (88, 219, 119)
>>>>>> The BitFactory/Columbia SL Exhibition space:
>>>>>> I AM Columbia exhibition center, I AM Columbia (186, 100, 26)
>>>>>> (submitted as part of the dialogue on av‑cetric architecture. Open
>>>>>> spaces for flying avs, but stairs for the new, bird‑house like
>> holes
>>>>>> throughout.)
>>>>>> Next SF Performance: Aug 25, 9:00 PM SLT, I AM Columbia.
>>>>>> "Defenestration: Windows 2007"
>>>>>> NEW SF Performance video!
>>>>>> http://iam.colum.edu/plichty/video/SecondFront‑BreakingNews.mov
>>>>> ‑‑‑‑‑Original Message‑‑‑‑‑
>>>>> From: Chris Dodds [mailto:chris@iconinc.com.au]
>>>>> Sent: Monday, 13 August 2007 09:27
>>>>> To: Christy Dena
>>>>> Cc: 'Adam Nash'; kathy.cleland@arts.usyd.edu.au;
>> melinda@anat.org.au;
>>>>> james@factorynoir.com; annabeth.robinson@googlemail.com;
>>>>> r.peach@ozco.gov.au; a.thomas@usyd.edu.au; voyd@voyd.com;
>>>>> sdoesinger@yahoo.de
>>>>> Subject: Re: art stops for the Second Life art tour
>>>>> Ditto me. Happy to talk/walk through some ideas and works.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> christo
>>>>> ‑ ‑ ‑
>>>>> Christopher Dodds
>>>>> Director ‑ Icon.Inc
>>>>> L3, 351 Elizabeth St Melbourne
>>>>> PO Box 618 Melbourne 3001 Australia
>>>>> T: (03) 9642 4107
>>>>> F: (03) 9642 4108
>>>>> M: 0412 517 795
>>>>> W: www.iconinc.com.au
>>>>> Skype: christopherdodds
>>>>> On 12/08/2007, at 8:29 PM, Christy Dena wrote:
>>>>>> Great Adam!
>>>>>> Re: not being on the first CC. No harm intended Adam ‑‑ I just hit
>>>>>> reply‑all
>>>>>> to the email Melinda sent to us about the conversation at the
>>>>>> beginning of
>>>>>> the month.
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> Christy
>>>>>> ‑‑‑‑‑Original Message‑‑‑‑‑
>>>>>> From: Adam Nash [mailto:adam.nash@rmit.edu.au]
>>>>>> Sent: Sunday, 12 August 2007 20:04
>>>>>> To: kathy.cleland@arts.usyd.edu.au; cdena@cross‑
>>>>>> mediaentertainment.com
>>>>>> Cc: melinda@anat.org.au; james@factorynoir.com;
>>>>>> annabeth.robinson@googlemail.com; chris@iconinc.com.au;
>>>>>> r.peach@ozco.gov.au;
>>>>>> a.thomas@usyd.edu.au; voyd@voyd.com; sdoesinger@yahoo.de
>>>>>> Subject: Re: art stops for the Second Life art tour
>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>> More than happy to do so!
>>>>>> This is the first I've heard of this, seems I wasn't on the CC list
>>>>>> with
>>>>>> the other guests :(
>>>>>> Adam
>>>>>> ============================
>>>>>> Adam Nash
>>>>>> Lecturer, Computer Games & Digital Art
>>>>>> School of Creative Media
>>>>>> RMIT University
>>>>>> CRICOS provider code: 00122A
>>>>>> Building 14, Level 11, Room 2
>>>>>> adam.nash@rmit.edu.au
>>>>>>>>> Kathy Cleland <kathy.cleland@arts.usyd.edu.au> 12/08/07 4:05
>>>>>>>>> PM >>>
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> Adam Nash (http://slurl.com/secondlife/Marni/220/199/23/) and Chris
>>>>>> Dodds (http://slurl.com/secondlife/Marni/210/54/24/) both have
>>>>>> interesting works to look at ‑ it would be great to get them
>>>>>> along on
>>>>>> the tour to talk about them (i've cc'ed this to them).
>>>>>> Adam, Chris ‑ any other suggestions?
>>>>>> kathy
>>>>>> Christy Dena wrote:
>>>>>>> I think the list is ready to experience more SL works now! Yay!
>>>>>>> What places/works do you think would be a good range (though not
>>>>>>> comprehensive of course) for them to experience?
>>>>>>> 1) Ars Virtua ‑ Brad's work & Avatar exhibition
>>>>>>> 2) Odyssey ‑ Gazira Babeli's exhibition
>>>>>>> 3) Perhaps another SF performance?
>>>>>>> 4) some sound art...
>>>>>>> 5) some architectural examples...
>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>> Perhaps also a slum/dissident/alternate space tour as well? One
>>>>>>> that
>>>>>> shows
>>>>>>> the various 'other' of SL...
>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>> Christy
>>>>>>> ‑‑‑‑‑Original Message‑‑‑‑‑
>>>>>>> From: Kathy Cleland [mailto:kathy.cleland@arts.usyd.edu.au]
>>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, 8 August 2007 13:05
>>>>>>> To: Melinda Rackham
>>>>>>> Cc: Christy Dena; 'Ricardo Peach'; Patrick Lichty; 'Anna
>> Robinson';
>>>>>> 'Stephan
>>>>>>> Doesinger'
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: Guests!!
>>>>>>> Yes, an excellent idea ‑ the dLux pony clubs tours were fun ‑
>>>>>>> and it
>>>>>>> would be good for us all to interact in‑world
>>>>>>> kathy
>>>>>>> Melinda Rackham wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hey yes i think its a great idea for an inworld event..
>>>>>>>> And we can take pics..im rellay wanting to get a flickr archive
>>>>>> happening
>>>>>>>> m
>>>>>>>> On 7/8/07 11:19 PM, "Christy Dena"
>>>>>>>> <cdena@cross‑mediaentertainment.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Oh good! Melinda, I won't put the idea to the list until you
>>>>>>>> give
>>>>>>>> an OK though. Let me know if you think it isn't appropriate.
>>>>>>>> If it does happen, I was thinking we might do two ‑ one for
>> an
>>>>>>>> Australian‑friendly time and another not. Or, if it seems
>> most
>>>>>>>> people are in the US etc then we could just do one for them.
>> ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑
>>>>>> ‑‑
>>>>>> ‑‑
>>>>>>>> *From:* Ricardo Peach [mailto:r.peach@ozco.gov.au]
>>>>>>>> <mailto:r.peach@ozco.gov.au%5D>
>>>>>>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, 7 August 2007 21:08
>>>>>>>> *To:* Christy Dena; Melinda Rackham; Kathy Cleland; Patrick
>>>>>>>> Lichty; Anna Robinson; Stephan Doesinger
>>>>>>>> *Subject:* RE: Guests!!
>>>>>>>> I think thats a great idea Christy. I missed the tour last
>>>>>>>> time.
>>>>>>>> Just wondering what time it should happen as a lot of US and
>>>>>>>> Europe folk may not be able to attend if we don't time it
>>>>>>>> right.
>>>>>>>> ‑‑‑‑‑Original Message‑‑‑‑‑
>>>>>>>> From: Christy Dena
>> [mailto:cdena@cross‑mediaentertainment.com]
>>>>>>>> <mailto:cdena@cross‑mediaentertainment.com%5D>
>>>>>>>> Sent: Tue 8/7/2007 5:04 PM
>>>>>>>> To: Ricardo Peach; 'Melinda Rackham'; 'Kathy Cleland';
>>>>>>>> 'Patrick
>>>>>>>> Lichty'; 'Anna Robinson'; 'Stephan Doesinger'
>>>>>>>> Subject: RE: Guests!!
>>>>>>>> Yes, good idea Ricardo ‑‑ lets add some more links to works.
>>>>>>>> But also, I've spoken with David of dLux and he is happy
>>>>>>>> for us
>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> do a
>>>>>>>> special empyre Pony club tour of SL. It seems there are a few
>>>>>>>> people who do
>>>>>>>> have accounts in SL but just haven't explored the space
>>>>>>>> properly,
>>>>>>>> and others
>>>>>>>> who are perhaps keen to. With the tour, we could use the
>>>>>>>> ponies
>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> take the
>>>>>>>> newbies around (it is designed so people don't really have to
>>>>>> know
>>>>>>>> much
>>>>>>>> about SL to use them). We could visit places that Annabeth,
>>>>>>>> Patrick, and
>>>>>>>> Stephan, James etc recommend. Indeed, if we could have us
>>>>>>>> all on
>>>>>>>> the tour
>>>>>>>> narrating it that would be ideal... It would give people an
>>>>>>>> insight into the
>>>>>>>> space first‑hand and provide food for conversation...
>>>>>>>> Let me know if you're interested and I'll put the idea to the
>>>>>> list.
>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>> Christy
>>>>>>>> ‑‑‑‑‑Original Message‑‑‑‑‑
>>>>>>>> From: Ricardo Peach [mailto:r.peach@ozco.gov.au]
>>>>>>>> <mailto:r.peach@ozco.gov.au%5D>
>>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, 7 August 2007 10:34
>>>>>>>> To: Melinda Rackham; Kathy Cleland; Patrick Lichty; Christy
>>>>>>>> Dena;
>>>>>> Anna
>>>>>>>> Robinson; Stephan Doesinger
>>>>>>>> Subject: RE: Guests!!
>>>>>>>> Maybe we can all suggest some links to good SL machinima?
>> That
>>>>>> might
>>>>>>>> socialise people into the SL space a bit better?
>>>>>>>> ‑‑‑‑‑Original Message‑‑‑‑‑
>>>>>>>> From: Melinda Rackham [mailto:melinda@anat.org.au]
>>>>>>>> <mailto:melinda@anat.org.au%5D>
>>>>>>>> Sent: Monday, 6 August 2007 21:13 PM
>>>>>>>> To: Kathy Cleland; Patrick Lichty; Christy Dena; Anna
>>>>>>>> Robinson;
>>>>>>>> Stephan
>>>>>>>> Doesinger; Ricardo Peach
>>>>>>>> Subject: Guests!!
>>>>>>>> What fabulously articulate guests you are!!
>>>>>>>> thanks for kicking off the conversation..
>>>>>>>> i think a lot of people on the list are relatively new to
>>>>>>>> SL and
>>>>>>>> find it a
>>>>>>>> little threatening to be discussing something they aren't
>>>>>>>> really
>>>>>>>> comfortable
>>>>>>>> with yet.
>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>> Melinda
>>>>>>>> ‑‑
>>>>>>>> Dr Melinda Rackham
>>>>>>>> Executive Director
>>>>>>>> Australian Network for Art and Technology (ANAT)
>>>>>>>> PO Box 8029
>>>>>>>> Station Arcade
>>>>>>>> South Australia 5000
>>>>>>>> ph: 61 8 8231 9037; fax 61 8 8231 9766
>>>>>>>> http://www.anat.org.au
>>>>>>>> director@anat.org.au
>>>>>>>> Australian Network for Art and Technology (ANAT) is
>>>>>>>> supported by
>>>>>>>> the Visual
>>>>>>>> Arts and Craft Strategy, an initiative of the Australian,
>>>>>>>> State
>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> Territory Governments; the Australian Government through the
>>>>>> Australia
>>>>>>>> Council, its arts funding and advisory body, and the South
>>>>>> Australian
>>>>>>>> Government through Arts SA.
>> ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑
>>>>>> ‑‑
>>>>>> ‑‑‑‑‑
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>>>>>> ‑‑
>>>>>> ‑‑‑‑‑
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>>>>>>>> You must contact the intended recipient in advance if you
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>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>> Melinda
>>>>>>>> ‑‑
>>>>>>>> Dr Melinda Rackham
>>>>>>>> Executive Director
>>>>>>>> Australian Network for Art and Technology (ANAT)
>>>>>>>> PO Box 8029
>>>>>>>> Station Arcade
>>>>>>>> South Australia 5000
>>>>>>>> ph: 61 8 8231 9037; fax 61 8 8231 9766
>>>>>>>> http://www.anat.org.au
>>>>>>>> director@anat.org.au
>>>>>>>> Australian Network for Art and Technology (ANAT) is supported
>>>>>>>> by the
>>>>>>>> Visual
>>>>>>>> Arts and Craft Strategy, an initiative of the Australian, State
>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> Territory Governments; the Australian Government through the
>>>>>> Australia
>>>>>>>> Council, its arts funding and advisory body, and the South
>>>>>>>> Australian
>>>>>>>> Government through Arts SA.
>>>>>> ‑‑
>>>>>> Lecturer, Digital Cultures Program
>>>>>> S316, John Woolley Building A20
>>>>>> University of Sydney
>>>>>> phone: + 61 2 93514721
>>>>>> mobile: 0411 474 551
>>>>>> www.arts.usyd.edu.au/digitalcultures
>>>> Regards
>>>> Melinda
>>>> ‑‑
>>>> Dr Melinda Rackham
>>>> Executive Director
>>>> Australian Network for Art and Technology (ANAT)
>>>> PO Box 8029
>>>> Station Arcade
>>>> South Australia 5000
>>>> ph: 61 8 8231 9037; fax 61 8 8231 9766
>>>> http://www.anat.org.au
>>>> director@anat.org.au
>>>> Australian Network for Art and Technology (ANAT) is supported by
>>>> the Visual
>>>> Arts and Craft Strategy, an initiative of the Australian, State and
>>>> Territory Governments; the Australian Government through the
>>>> Australia
>>>> Council, its arts funding and advisory body, and the South Australian
>>>> Government through Arts SA.
>> ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑
>>>> ‑‑‑‑‑
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>>>> Any information provided by a Council, Board, Committee or staff
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>>>> Please be aware that emails larger than 4MB and emails containing
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>>>> or encrypted files, will be rejected by our network security system.
>>>> You must contact the intended recipient in advance if you need to
>>>> send such
>>>> emails.
>>> Anything that can be made, can be made black.
>> Regards
>> Melinda
>> ‑‑
>> Dr Melinda Rackham
>> Executive Director
>> Australian Network for Art and Technology (ANAT)
>> PO Box 8029
>> Station Arcade
>> South Australia 5000
>> ph: 61 8 8231 9037; fax 61 8 8231 9766
>> http://www.anat.org.au
>> director@anat.org.au
>> Australian Network for Art and Technology (ANAT) is supported by the
>> Visual
>> Arts and Craft Strategy, an initiative of the Australian, State and
>> Territory Governments; the Australian Government through the Australia
>> Council, its arts funding and advisory body, and the South Australian
>> Government through Arts SA.
> Regards
> Melinda
> ‑‑
> Dr Melinda Rackham
> Executive Director
> Australian Network for Art and Technology (ANAT)
> PO Box 8029
> Station Arcade
> South Australia 5000
> ph: 61 8 8231 9037; fax 61 8 8231 9766
> http://www.anat.org.au
> director@anat.org.au
> Australian Network for Art and Technology (ANAT) is supported by the Visual
> Arts and Craft Strategy, an initiative of the Australian, State and
> Territory Governments; the Australian Government through the Australia
> Council, its arts funding and advisory body, and the South Australian
> Government through Arts SA.
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